Trademark Services

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Trademark Protection India

Trademarks are any of the sign that is being used to represent the company or business graphically to the corporate world. The main role of trademark is to distinguish the similar goods or services of goods or services from one to others. The trademark plays an important role in altering the trends of marketing and advertising while bringing the competition to the market. Trademark facilitates an easy choice while maintaining the list of loyal customers where they can buy products on seeing business mark over the banner. Trademark can be used over the company letter head pad, product banner, advert pamphlet, over newsletter and on many more business promotional purposes.

Quick Enquiry

If you need to analyze the worth of trademark in the business world then just ask to big brand or emerging business houses where the major sales module will depend upon the trademark and its popularity. Major aspect of reputation and goodwill of the company will associate with the trademark. As per trademark act 1999 India; there are various rules and regulations through which one can protect trademark at the domestic and international level. Through this act one can identifies the markings of the scope of trademark protection which may be granted.

Trademark Protection Services

Under trademark act 1999; a business mark can be represent as word, combination of words, including letters, flat or three-dimensional shapes, numbers, personal names and slogans, figures, pictures, including the goods or packaging with combination of colors, color, holograms, light signals, sound, and so far composition listed in each sign. Under trademark protection services; our attorneys will provide you with preparing legal documents; filing an application, submitting legal forms and many more processes will also provide including trademark watch, trademark litigation, and prosecution where we notify our clients about similar business marks in order to apply objection against the same. Thus, mail us at where we serve with best services in trademark protection services.